If you are a student and looking for a scholarship, which covers all your education expenses, you are in the right place. Many of us have heard about the latest scholarship program which is launched by Facebook called Facebook Fellowship Program 2023. Under this fellowship program, the authorities will provide financial aid to all doctoral students who are engaged in research in areas which is related to computer science and engineering fields. If you are interested and willing to know more about this program kindly read this article till the end, and get details such as benefits, eligibility criteria, the procedure to get benefited, and many more.
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Facebook Fellowship Program 2023
The Facebook Fellowship program is launched by Facebook to provide financial support to all the candidates out there who are included in the research of computer science and engineering fields. Previously many initiatives have been launched by various government departments but this time it’s new and more beneficial. Basically, this program is established for candidates who are pursuing their career in Ph.D., and the program hosting country is the USA. So, candidates who have the desire to get this opportunity but lack the information you are not able to get it, kindly read this article till the end. Here we have provided you with all the major and minor detailed information which will be beneficial for the eligible candidates.
Overview Details of Facebook Fellowship Program 2023
Name of the Scheme | Facebook Fellowship Program 2023 |
Launched by | |
Beneficiaries | Ph.D. students |
Host Country Name | USA |
Benefits | Monetary |
Year | 2023 |
Application mode | Online |
Official website | www.research.fb.com/programs/fellowship |
Objective of Facebook Fellowship Program
The main objective of this program is to provide financial support to all doctoral students who are engaged in innovative and relevant areas which are related to engineering and computer science fields. Facebook hopes to stimulate creativity and cooperation, give financial assistance, and establish a forum for students to contribute to the progress of knowledge in their particular professions through this fellowship.
Benefits of Facebook Fellowship Program
- Under this program, all the fellows will get financial support not just for their tuition but also for their academics for the last 2 years for 4 semesters.
- All the candidates who will be selected under this program will get 42,000 Dollars for their living and conferences and their travels.
- Candidates will also get a chance to visit Facebook headquarters for the fellowship program and get a chance to collaborate with Facebook researchers also.
- Under this program, all fellow researchers will be assigned as Facebook researchers, who will provide guidance and support throughout the fellowship period.
- Each fellow will get the opportunity to collaborate will Facebook researchers and engineers on various projects, and with this all the fellows will get a chance to learn from experts, gain valuable insights and also broaden their research insights.
- As a Facebook fellow, various exposers and recognition bring within the research community, and under this, all the fellows will get a chance to present their work at conferences and workshops, and also to publish their papers in reputed journals.
- All the fellows will also get a chance to participate in Facebook’s research events, which will help them to establish themselves as an emerging leader in their respective fields.
- This Facebook Fellowship Program offers various opportunities to gain experience in industries by working closely with researchers and engineering teams.
- All these experiences will provide insights into real-world challenges, and various industry’s practices. Through these exposers, all the fellows will be able to enhance their skills and will be able to offer a unique perspective on the intersection of academia and industry.
- Blockchain and Cryptoeconomics
- Computational Social Science
- Database Systems
- Distributed Systems
- Economics and Computation
- AI System HW SW Co-Design
- AR/VR Computer Graphics
- Applied Statistics
- AR/VR Future Technologies
- AR/VR Human Computer Interaction
- HCI – Social-Media, People, & Society and Technology
- Networking
- Audio Presence
- AR/VR Human Understanding
- AR/VR Perception, Cognition & Action
- Augmented Reality Audio
- AR/VR Photonics and Optics
- Privacy and Data Use
- Programming Languages
- Security and Privacy
- Technology Policy
Eligibility Criteria
- Those candidates who are pursuing Ph.D. from an accredited university are eligible to get benefited from this fellowship program.
- All the candidates should be involved in any relevant subject research.
- Candidates who have not gotten any other Facebook sponsorship through any other source are eligible for this program.
Required Documents List
- For this all the candidates have to prepare 500 words Research Proposal which has to be submitted with the application form.
- At least 2 letters of recommendation and one of them should be from an academic adviser.
Facebook Fellowship Program Selection Procedure
- Strength of the student’s research statement,
- Publication record,
- Recommendation letters.
Important Dates
- Application form filling process starts: Will be updated soon
- Application form filling process close: Will be updated soon
- Reference letters Will be updated soon
- Scholarship results Will be updated soon
Application Procedure Under Facebook Fellowship Program 2023
- Interested candidates must visit the Official Website of Facebook.
- And after reaching the webpage check all the instructions related to the program carefully.
- After checking all the relevant information tap on Apply Now option and continue.
- On the application form candidates must have to provide all the information carefully, including, the legal name of the candidate university name, country of university, Ph.D. enrolled year, and other relevant information.
- After this, before making further process, read all the information which you have provided on the form carefully. And once you are satisfied with the details, submit the application form.
Beneficiary List of Facebook Fellowship Program 2023
The beneficiary final list has not been updated yet, the authorities of Facebook are still working on it. Once they finish their processes, the beneficiary list will be listed on the official website. So, candidates have to wait, when the result announce we will inform you through our article.